The Team
Meet the members of Team Eclipse.
Rohit Rajagopalan
I founded Eclipse Rocketry to enable the young rocketeers of today to have an outlet for their creativity and passion by competing in ARC.
My goals include, teaching our peers and younger about rocketry, to design a robust rocket, and to win nationals.
Vice Captain
Vaibhav Varadha
I joined Eclipse with no experience, bringing my love for math to this team. I've become a learner, creating presentations.
My goals are to understand rockets, have fun, and reach nationals.
Yojit Boddepalli
I joined Eclipse to continue my passion for CAD. I have learned how to create custom parts we may need in our rocket.
My goals are to get top 10 in nationals and to learn how to render rockets.
Saharsh Narasingolu
I joined Eclipse to explore engineering. I help build rockets and create videos.
My goals are to learn Arduino, video editing, and build a rocket from scratch.
Sirish Devanand
I joined Eclipse to apply engineering skills and build teamwork. With coding experience, I simulate launches and program with Arduino.
My goals are to enhance my coding skills, and win nationals.
Arjun Madipatti
I joined Eclipse to learn the mechanical side of building rockets and to understand how to film videos and edit them.
My goals are to improve my video-taking skills and to make nationals this year.
Sohan Saleem
As the newest member of Eclipse, attaining sponsorships and being able to support the team fiscally is key for me.
My goals are to improve my marketing skills and to secure key sponsorships from companies.